Director General Message

The year 2020 represented a challenge in testing our ability to achieve and transform urgent obstacles into real opportunities for work and production. Due to the repercussions of the (Covid-19) virus, the Fund began early application of a methodology for business continuity, which was prepared in advance as soon as the state announced that it would take preventive measures to confront the pandemic. Accordingly, working remotely did not constitute any hurdle for us, as we have already started a pilot stage of working remotely in 2018, which came within our endeavor to implement best internal practices to develop the employees’ performance.

Furthermore, our development and operational projects were not affected, as they continued at the same pace set in advance. Accordingly, we succeeded in completing them within the defined time and required quality, while taking into consideration the need to achieve qualitative achievements in the development of services and their delivery channels, in a way that contributes to enhancing quality, and elevating the experience of the customer, leading to advanced stages of efficiency. The government’s performance indicators for the year 2020 were honorable, as the rate of completion of projects on time reached 94.5%, and the accuracy of our transactions reached 95.4%. Moreover, we succeeded in achieving almost 76,000 transactions “remotely” and the entities compliance rate increased to 87.3%.

Over the past year, we have held many successful partnerships to maintain the financial sustainability that ensures the provision of a decent life for citizens, and we have succeeded in completing the smart contributions project,

which contributed to increasing the compliance rate of employers and preserving the rights of citizens. Therefore, we postponed collecting pension contributions for a period of three months from the private sector, and made early pension disbursements twice.

In the field of developing the pension system in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, the year 2020 was fruitful, as we participated in preparing amendments to Law No. 15 of 2020 amending some provisions of Law No. 2 of 2000 regarding civil retirement benefits and pensions in Abu Dhabi. We also exerted our utmost best to accommodate more improvement initiatives to develop our human capital, based on the belief that the human element is the main pillar towards the development of government work, we continued training and development processes virtually, and we included many national cadres to support the work team.

Within our endeavor to provide a global model for excellence, we have launched a variety of development initiatives to improve our business and raise the level of customer satisfaction, which has contributed to enhancing the culture of creativity, innovation and excellence to provide the best in serving the nation, and to achieve the wise leadership's hopes and aspirations.

Today, we are still working hard to move forward towards further development and not being satisfied with the made accomplishments, as we fully believe that the constant pursuit of self-development and superiority over what we have achieved is the way to excellence and to deal with the developments that occur at the national and global level.

Khalaf Abdulla Rahma Al Hammadi