Managing Director Message


By the end of 2021 and after celebrating fifty years of a march full of unprecedented achievements, our country started a new journey towards comprehensive development, with an ambitious forward-looking vision that seeks sustaining leadership and excellence and draws a roadmap towards the next fifty new ones full of more achievements and success stories.

The vision of our wise leadership, which was evident through the fifty projects announced last year, aims to build a sustainable competitive economy, embrace the sustainability of leadership, excellence and development, and enhance the ability to create the future, ensuring a decent life for all citizens over successive generations, after it succeeded during the first fiftieth in the history of our country in transforming the dreams of the founding fathers into tangible facts that are witnessed all around the globe.

Based on that vision and in implementation of this methodology, we seek in the Fund - during the next stage - to develop our business by adopting a new approach based on ambitious visions inspired by the vision of our wise leadership towards the future, through which we seek to establish a new concept for the role of the Pension System in supporting citizens and protecting their rights, building a Pension System which is capable of protecting citizens and providing a better life for them and their families by adopting long-term investment policies to ensure financial sustainability to support economic growth in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

We also seek, during the next stage, to strengthen the Fund leadership in providing pension services in the Arab world and around the globe through early anticipation and analysis of opportunities and challenges in the Pension System and setting proactive plans for improvement and development.

As always, we promise our wise leadership to dully exert our utmost best to continue our quest for development and improvement to confirm our country's leadership in various fields.Finally, I can only express my sincere thanks and gratitude to the Fund's work team, each in his/her position. We are proud of you and your achievements over the past year, which could only have been achieved through your efforts, sincerity and dedication to work. As the past year was distinguished and we achieved many successes, we aspire during the next stage to achieve more achievements that enhance the quality of our work and advance to advanced stages of government efficiency.

Salem Rashid Al Nuaimi