About Us

Abu Dhabi Pension Fund is a public institution that the Abu Dhabi government trusts in the future of its citizens after retirement. It contributes to achieving the aspirations of the government and its plans to secure a decent life for citizens. The Fund’s mission is to secure the future of successive generations by collecting the pension contributions and developing an investment base and managing it in accordance with the highest standards of governance and transparency in a way that ensures building a sustainable pension system to provide pensions and pension benefits for citizens working in the government and private sectors in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Moreover, the Fund manages the services provided to the military pensioners.

The Fund contributes to building an economy based on data and knowledge by advising the government on pension legislation and submitting reports of Future studies on the Pension System will give the government a clear picture of finding investment opportunities and help it to develop sustainable development plans, as well.

The data owned by the Fund is an important input to the future lines associated with the human capital and workforce in the emirate. The Abu Dhabi Pension Fund puts the customers’ happiness in the first place and realizes that services that exceed expectations are the way to achieve it.

This approach is based on developing its services on innovation and harnessing modern technologies such as robot and artificial intelligence to provide proactive services and conduce a unique customer experience. The fund also plays an active role in strengthening the integrated government services system through various partnerships on the local and external levels to harness common data, knowledge and resources in a way that contributes to making the citizen's journey to obtain services happier.

ADPF believes that its employees are its most important asset, as it works to attract Emirati energies, diversified experiences and develops plans and provides all the tools and systems that contribute to enhancing the level of employee’s performance. Moreover, the Fund is keen to create a stimulating work environment based on the corporate values.

Our Vision

Excellence in services provision and financial sustainability by optimizing the best utilization of capabilities and resources.

Our Mission

An Investment Pension Fund devoted to offer exceptional and sustainable services to secure a decent life for citizens by ensuring financial sustainability through the collection, management, and investment of contributions.

Our Corporate Values


(Professionalism, Quality, Speed, Accuracy, Learning, High Performance, Productivity, and Efficiency)

Applying high standards of excellence to our accomplishments and outcomes to ensure professionalism and high performance. Taking into consideration the exchange of information and knowledge with our stakeholders/partners as an essential element in our culture, to achieve both customer satisfaction and high-level quality.


(Cooperation, Teamwork, Team Spirit, Communication and Commitment)

Employees are held accountable for their job roles, completing their given tasks, and working with the one-team spirit. Alongside maintaining confidentially of information according to the rules, regulations, and laws in force in the Fund.


(Integrity, Clarity and Credibility)

Employees should be encouraged to communicate honestly without barriers and to apply justice& fairness in their everyday life at work with those around them. In addition, employees should be fair in distributing the rights and duties without discrimination while maintaining clarity and credibility in mechanisms, procedures, laws, and information, in which indeed will ensure building bridges of trust between employees.


(Leadership, Competitiveness and Success)

Resources development by adopting long-term sustainable investment policies to ensure financial sustainability, in addition to employing modern technologies to ensure the permanent development of the business environment while preserving the surrounding.


(Positivity, Empowerment and Happiness)

Employees are committed to enhance the culture of respect that is found in our national identity, by respecting different cultures and preserving human dignity.

Creativity & Innovation

(Flexibility, Creativity and Innovation)

To ensure the establishment of a culture filled with creativity and innovation; employees should be encouraged to take rational risks to generate ideas that are outside the ordinary framework to create positive changes and generate more progress & development to the Fund.