Diverse Investment Portfolio
Ensuring the financial sustainability of the Fund to cover current and future obligations to secure the future of generations is one of the basic objectives of the Fund, and financial sustainability means ensuring the provision of pension benefits to the beneficiaries of successive generations, as well as the Fund's fulfillment of its obligations towards them. Accordingly, such sustainability requires a prudent financial and investment strategy that depends on long-term investments and diversified financial portfolios. Therefore, the Fund depends in its financial strategy on diversifying its investments and allocating the Fund’s portfolio for investment in the local and global market, based on long-term and low-risk returns.

3.6 Billion
The total pension benefits disbursed by the Fund

2.9 Billion
Disbursed pensions

477.4 Million
Disbursed end of service lump-sum benefits

11.07 Million
Other disbursed benefits
3.6 billion as total pension benefits disbursed by the Fund in 2020
Citizens registered in the Abu Dhabi Retirement Fund enjoy many pension benefits, including “pensions, end-of-service benefits, benefits for periods of service exceeding (25) years, in addition to marriage grants, death grants, and finally total or partial injury compensations.”
The total value of pensions and social benefits that were disbursed to the beneficiaries during the past year amounted to AED 3.6 billion, while the total benefits during the last five years amounted to AED 15.32 Billion.