The most important events of the Corporate Culture Project:

Comprehensive review and analysis of the corporate culture


Najem Program
“Najem” program to raise the rates of interaction with the Fund's activities
The Fund launched the “Najem” program, which aims to stimulate the employees participation and support for the internal and
external events and activities held by the Fund and enhance the level of the employees interaction and participation, by
motivating them and creating an enthusiastic competitive environment.
The new “Najm” program includes 5 main categories: (Active Star, Movies Star, Communication Star, Knowledge Star, and
Innovation Star), in a ddition to the title of “Star of the Year”, which is awarded to the employee with the largest number of stars
throughout the year. At the end of last year, the winner for each category was announced and honored.

Adel Al Hosani
Active Star

Hamda Al Hosani
Knowledge Star

Noura Al Khadar
Communication Star