The Fund 20th Anniversary
The Fund celebrated its 20th anniversary by organizing the first virtual employee forum “Al Multaqa”, entitled “20 Years of Achievements”. During the event, the Fund honored the senior employees, who had spent nearly 15 years and more in the Fund’s service; the colleagues who were most present in working remotely periods; in addition to those whose ideas and initiatives contributed to the development of the Fund's work mechanism.
The Fund participates in the Innovator 2020
In conjunction with the Innovation Month, and before the outbreak of the (Covid-19) pandemic, a Fund team participated in the “Innovator 2020” event, which was held on Abu Dhabi Corniche, in A’l Bahar area. During its participation, the team reviewed the virtual reality to introduce the objectives of the Fund and the Pension System in the emirate through educational games.

A Visit to Al-Hosn Palace
Before the outbreak of the pandemic worldwide, the Fund planned to conduct a series of events and activities. It began with a visit to Al Hosn Palace, in which a large group of employees participated. The visit aims to break the work routine and introducing the state’s heritage, where the employees inspected 22 rooms inside the palace, in addition to Sheikh Shakhbout Council. They also toured the corridors of the cultural complex attached to the palace, and expressed their admiration of the children's library and the organized activities.
The Fund’s Regular Event “Transit”
The pandemic has not prevented the Fund from continuing the activities that support communication between the work team and enhance institutional happiness, among which is the “Transit” event. The event was organized virtually, which included, in addition to celebrating the achievements of our colleagues, as well as many entertainment activities and competitions that supported the festive and competitive atmosphere among the work team.