BCM Policy

Policy Objective

In line with its vision to be a leader in the provision of retirement pensions and benefits services; through the application of global standards, Abu Dhabi Pension Fund (ADPF) or (the Fund) is committed to providing its stakeholders with an operational and administrative Business Continuity Management (BCM) program. The BCM program contributes to safeguarding the Fund’s mission of reputation, financial sustainability, customer service, and operational excellence.

The BCM program aims to provide the Fund with a robust framework to sustain operations, with a tolerable level of downtime, in the event of unforeseeable disruptions or crises.

The BCM objectives at the Fund can be summarized as follows:

  • Effectively manage any crisis that may cause a business disruption at the Fund.
  • Establish commonly understood plans, procedures, measures, and a course of action for the management of a disruption.
  • Ensure the health and safety of the Fund people during the onset of an incident, during contingency-mode business operations, and during the return to normal operations.
  • Enable continuity of operations in the event of business disruption to ensure that key activities are resumed within agreed and pre-established timeframes.
  • Minimize the impact of business disruptions, specifically legal/regulatory compliance, reputation, and customer satisfaction and uphold the interests of key stakeholders.
  • Enable top management communication, decision-making, activity prioritization, and internal/external communications during a disruption.

1. Scope

The scope of this BCM policy covers the Fund’s personnel, operations, facilities, equipment, third parties, and related information systems. It relates to all full-time and part-time employees, and contractors employed by the Fund. Service in scope is the vital/critical services & systems which are identified and reviewed annually by the BIA.

2. Policy Owner

The BCM Steering committee Chairman is the owner of this policy.

3. Policy

Business Impact Analysis and Risk Assessment

  • The Fund shall develop a consistent approach to identify and document the business impact of disruptions of business activities and processes.
  • The Fund’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) shall be used to identify, analyze, and evaluate the risks which may disrupt the continuity of business activities and processes. Management is fully committed and responsible for the responses and treatment plans of the top corporate risks of the Fund to bring them to a tolerable and/or desired level of exposure.

Business Continuity Strategies

  • The Fund shall develop the most appropriate strategy to ensure the recovery of identified process enablers within the maximum time period identified within the BIA.

Response Plan

  • The Fund shall establish, implement, and maintain an incident response plan and its procedures to respond to an occurring event that may cause a disruption of business activities and processes.
  • The Fund shall put in place a response structure that will monitor incidents on a regular basis, enable early detection of any incident causing disruption, its impact, and criterion for invoking business continuity response along with clarity on roles and responsibilities of personnel.

Business Continuity Plan

  • The Fund shall develop a Business Continuity Plan in support of its strategies.
  • The plan shall be communicated to all Fund employees and relevant stakeholders as required.

Training and Awareness

  • Awareness sessions shall be developed and put in place for all Fund employees to ensure BCM becomes part of their daily business routine.
  • A training program shall be developed to ensure that the training provided for personnel and teams matches their roles and responsibilities in the BCM program.


  • Tests shall be conducted to assess the readiness, usability, and adequacy of the tools, technology, facilities, and infrastructure required to implement the BCM plans. Post-Test reports shall be developed, reviewed, and corrective action is taken, when necessary.
  • Exercises shall be conducted to ensure BCM’s effectiveness and meet its objectives.

Compliance and Internal Audit

    An annual internal audit of BCM shall be conducted to determine whether the BCM program conforms to the requirements of the ISO 22301 and NCEMA standards.

Management Review

  • The BCM Steering Committee shall review the Fund’s BC capability, at least on an annual basis, to ensure it remains fit-for-purpose and continues to meet BCM objectives.
  • The results of the management review shall be clearly documented, and records shall be maintained.

Continual Improvement

  • The Fund shall manage actual and potential non-compliance events and take corrective actions as appropriate.
  • The Fund shall continually improve the effectiveness of the BCM program through a review of its plan and documentation, audit results, preventive and corrective actions, and management review.